Yoga For Cancer

Virtual Weekly Practice To Help
Diminish, Improve, or Eliminate Side Effects
From Cancer Treatment

Join me every week for a 60-75 min experience.
Each class is a combination of meditation and asana (physical poses + movement).
More info on the class below.  
(Props are mandatory more info below)

$25/Session - Each class is recorded and available for unlimited access for a week.
You do not have to attend live and can be anywhere in the world.

In Kindness Scholarships Available*
Yoga4Cancer Certified Teacher

Live Webinar Session has ended now.

All slots for this schedule have been booked now. Try another one.

Weekly Replays

Each week's class is recorded so that even if you can't attend live, you can still access and practice as many times as you want for a week.

Replays will be up within 24 hours of the end of class.

In Kindness Scholarships*

If you are interested in an In Kindness Scholarship, please click the link below.

Fill it out and we will get back to you with a code to register with. 

Welcome, welcome

I am so glad you are here and taking a look around.

This is a standing weekly class for anyone touched by cancer and a lot of information follows because, well I like to be thorough but also, yoga for cancer isn't a typical mainstream yoga class.

Read on...

The American Cancer Society recommends 150-300 minutes of physical activity a week and oncology yoga is on the list of recommended options.

Yoga is fairly commonly known these days but, what isn't as commonly known is that there are teachers certified in oncology yoga (hi, I'm one of them ^__^), that there is such a thing as Yoga For Cancer/Oncology Yoga, and that it's evidence based.

Having a consistent oncology yoga practice has been shown to effectively improve your well-being, health, and putting you in a position of having the best chance of getting past cancer.

So, What Makes Yoga For Cancer Different?

I have a little graphic on this page you can look at, but the primary point of a yoga for cancer session is to help diminish, improve, or eliminate the side effects from cancer treatment(s).

The brain fog, the fatigue, depression, bone loss, range of motion, neuropathy, weight loss or gain, lymphedema, mental health, and even pain.

There is the mandatory use of props* as tools to support your body, especially if it has changed because of treatment regardless of if you have done yoga before or not.

And, it's about your own empowerment too.

To be an active participant in choosing what is a part of your personal health and wellness including your doctors and other healing practitioners.

* I provide a prop list with homemade options/suggestions so you don't have to purchase anything you don't want to.

Yoga in the Western world is pushed as
only a physical practice,
often for skinny women posing in aggressive shapes
for the sake of a social media photo.

Yoga is much more than just the commercialized physical asana practice.
Knowledge is sexy and here are just a few things to get your feet wet. 


In Sanskrit, the word
yoga = to yoke or union. 

This points to a bringing together of all parts of your humanity. The physical, the mental and the spiritual/energetic.


Per yoga sutra 1.2, yogas citta vritti nirodha is describing what the practice of yoga is.

It roughly translates as - the practice of yoga is stillness/quieting of the mind.

8 Limbs of yoga

Yamas, Niyamas, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi

Asana = seat, pose, posture
And is associated with the physical practice of yoga

The Emotions of Cancer

Getting diagnosed with cancer, going through treatment, and even as you go through remission can be a huge source of stress and anxiety.
Being a survivor, while absolutely joyous and to be celebrated, can even be a source of guilt for some of you.

There are a LOT of EMOTIONS that can be experienced because of cancer. And that's ok.

But ALL emotions are temporary and movement helps us get through a lot of them.

Exercise and movement are proven to be mood-lifters. They can help you feel empowered, strong, and yes, even happy.

And consistency is an important part of this equation for everyone, but even more so with cancer.
There are a lot of variables that you cannot control when it comes to cancer and its treatment.

And that lack of control can make you feel all the things, most especially fear.

The physiological purpose of fear is to give you strength.

Cancer is scary, but it doesn't have to be and it doesn't have to rob you of your joy.

I came across this beautiful soul, who despite having cancer roaming around her body, decided she would go audition for a major talent show.

During her time on stage she let slip these words -
"You can't wait until life isn't hard anymore before you decide to be happy."

and she also said -

"It's important that everyone knows, I'm so much more than the bad things that have happened to me."
- Nightbirde

Let your fear be your strength to choose to do everything you can for your well-being and happiness.

You are not your cancer. You are so much more than that.

My Weekly Class For Cancer is a holistic approach to helping you be the healthiest you can be regardless of what point you are with cancer.

I use a simple framework M.A.P.  to guide what I teach.  

M - Meditation
A - Asana (physical yoga)
P - Psychology (mindset, neuroplasticity)  

Strength and flexibility go hand-in-hand for both your mental and physical aspects. And even your energetic/spiritual self.  

Being too flexible or too "strong/rigid" can work against you. I look for, encourage, and teach a balance.  

Cancer f*cking sucks.  

To get through it you need a village of support but, the most important part is going to be you.

You need to feel as good and strong as you can physically, mentally, and spiritually to face each day, each treatment, and every day afterwards.

And here's the thing about this, oncology yoga is something that you have control and choice over. You can choose this as part of your self-wellness program and be empowered to manage your own health.

Getting diagnosed with cancer often feels like you have lost control or feel like there's nothing you can do about it besides what your doctor guides you to do.

But, YOU CAN choose what you want to be a part of your wellness approach. Yoga for cancer is an option to empower you in your health journey.

This class is just a small part of your village, but I hope it makes a big difference in how you feel.

Maison Leigh
Creator Boss Lady, Death And Yoga

"I actually feel I got much more from meditation and restoration than I would have in a more physical way. I wish people would realize that there are many ways to practice yoga with modifications that still give you movement that is helpful for you at whatever level, limitation you may have."

J.S., Long time student
I would like to take the time to thank you. Thank you for exploring on providing yoga for cancer survivors like myself. Radiation and chemo treatment causes a huge impact on your body. Range of motion, muscle depletion and bone density loss are 3 of the major impacts on your body. Your sessions were incredibly structured and explained. It provided me with the realization that I can still do yoga on a modified basis. Please, keep on going with this and keep me in the loop on future sessions.

Danny A., 4-Time Cancer Survivor
"I enjoy yoga with you because I feel very comfortable with you, I enjoy your company. You understand and help me see the importance of yoga and triathlon. I like how you will connect a pose with our sport. I can see how you really want to share, and help us be our most flexible selves :). I appreciate your passion."

J.G., Student