I Rise

Yoga On-The-Flow

A Private Member Podcast

A fresh way to practice yoga to get some fricking peace up in yo mind and to be energized to do the things.

Through a mix of meditations, breath work, visualizations and adventures,

I Rise elevates you from blah energy to "I can't believe I just f*cking did that" joy.

Each session is about getting you some sweet peace and inspiring momentum:

Freeing your flow.


Listen straight from your phone through the podcast player you choose.

Sessions are infused organically throughout each month.


I Rise is your favorite yoga-on-the-flow radio

Because sometimes you just need a minute to shift your energy.

This is your station. It's tuned to you.


Peace is your Power.


Breathe With I Rise
Meditate With I Rise
Visualize With I Rise
Play With I Rise


Peace In. Peace Out.
Let Your Peace Flow With I Rise

Listen to the Welcome Intro Below.

There are no contracts with I Rise.
Feel free to come and go, and also to just stay.
Would love to have you for however long you feel good for.  
You get to lock in the current price, $44/month for as along as you maintain your membership. 

I have read and agree to the terms & conditions.


Imagine a fresh, new world for you.
You feel rested, alive, and clear.  
You are energized and feel in flow with yourself and everything around you.
Things come easily, a playfulness about you comes out.

Adventure - an exciting or very unusual experience, a bold, usually risky undertaking, to take the risk involved

Reset Your Focus is an I Rise series where you get to play with how your energy is consumed and be cutthroat about where you spend it.

If you feel energetically drained lately, like your attention can't focus on what you need it to, that you are distracted all the time, you feel like you can't remember anything...which by the way...this is me too...then being part of Reset Your Focus 7-day Adventure is 100% for you.

It's part of I Rise Member Podcast, so come join even if it's just for May for this series.  

Each day you will receive a task(s) to complete to declutter and streamline your energy for efficiency. And your joy! Yeah, it's like Marie Kondo-ing but your energy for focus.  

There will be meditations, removal of things, movement, and sculpting your mindset. You are an artist, 3-D painting the life you so crave.  

Spaciousness for the precious real estate that is your mind. The modern world bombards you every micro-second it has with junk noise.  

Reclaim your mental sanity, health and energy.

I Rise is an organic member podcast because life, life's for you and me.

Be better and more of who you are with each session. Getting more fit in mind, body and energy.

We start on the 1st.

See you there.


 -  Monthly subscription, no contract. Lock in the special pricing for as long as you maintain your membership!

- Ten sessions a month organically dripped, minimum.

- Listen from your favorite podcast player.

- 100% audio based sessions, no need to sit in front of a screen or log into a class.


Meditations - Mind
Visualizations - Energy
Breathwork - Body
Games/Challenges - Momentum to Rise

* Individual sessions can be a mix of the above and might include voice-led yoga asana practices

